Monday, December 30, 2019
The Effects Of Drug Addiction On College Campuses
Drug addiction is often a misunderstood condition. In actuality, it is a very complex disease. While there are many factors that contribute to whether an individual will become an addict, genes also have a significant influence. This makes this a disease that can be passed down from generations. Once drugs enter the body, they start to work in the brain in various ways. One way is by imitating the structure of a neurotransmitter and another is by over stimulating the reward center. After prolonged use, drugs begin to alter the brain. They can alter or destroy the neurons that control day-to-day behaviors. Some of the most commonly abused drugs on college campuses include alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs. Each one of these has its own detrimental effects. Addiction is in fact a curable disease in most cases. With treatment consisting of medications and behavioral therapy, success rates are high. It is often hard for the general population to understand what it takes to be a drug addict, or how an individual chooses to undergo such a lifestyle. However, addiction is similar to many other diseases that can occur in the human body. Addiction usually is not a choice, but a disease that takes over an individual’s sense of control. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, â€Å"Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to the addicted individual and to those around him or her†Show MoreRelatedAddiction : Substance Abuse And Addiction1602 Words  | 7 Pagessubstance abuse and addiction. Not only does it hurt the abuser directly, but it also becomes an enormous financial and social burden on society. Addiction wrecks families, and also highly correlates with poverty because the drug abuser ends up giving everything that they have to keep their addiction going. 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