Monday, December 30, 2019
The Effects Of Drug Addiction On College Campuses
Drug addiction is often a misunderstood condition. In actuality, it is a very complex disease. While there are many factors that contribute to whether an individual will become an addict, genes also have a significant influence. This makes this a disease that can be passed down from generations. Once drugs enter the body, they start to work in the brain in various ways. One way is by imitating the structure of a neurotransmitter and another is by over stimulating the reward center. After prolonged use, drugs begin to alter the brain. They can alter or destroy the neurons that control day-to-day behaviors. Some of the most commonly abused drugs on college campuses include alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs. Each one of these has its own detrimental effects. Addiction is in fact a curable disease in most cases. With treatment consisting of medications and behavioral therapy, success rates are high. It is often hard for the general population to understand what it takes to be a drug addict, or how an individual chooses to undergo such a lifestyle. However, addiction is similar to many other diseases that can occur in the human body. Addiction usually is not a choice, but a disease that takes over an individual’s sense of control. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, â€Å"Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to the addicted individual and to those around him or her†Show MoreRelatedAddiction : Substance Abuse And Addiction1602 Words  | 7 Pagessubstance abuse and addiction. Not only does it hurt the abuser directly, but it also becomes an enormous financial and social burden on society. Addiction wrecks families, and also highly correlates with poverty because the drug abuser ends up giving everything that they have to keep their addiction going. It also pla ces extraordinarily high demands on the education, criminal justice, and social service systems. Children and babies both are dangerously impacted by the addiction of their parents andRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1515 Words  | 7 PagesMore than half of college students throughout their academic career have either experienced or been exposed to some type of illicit drug. One of the most commonly found illicit drugs found on college campuses have been marijuana. Marijuana is used to amplify perception, affect the frame of mind, and relax. Signs of marijuana use includes red eyes, sluggishness, and awkward body movement. With the usage of marijuana in earlier years being illegal in all states in America, the last couple of yearsRead More College Candy Making Success That Much Sweeter Essay1275 Words  | 6 Pagesmeasures.†American college students of the 21st century have been forcefully subjected to highly competitive environments due to a multitude of e xternal factors. As of late, the prescription drug, Adderall has become the drug of choice for ambitious college students, and has earned the title of being today’s college candy and academic steroid. First introduced and approved by the U.S. FDA, Adderall became the common treatment for those suffering from ADHD and narcolepsy. The drug is considered a scheduleRead MoreThe Use Of Drugs And Alcohol On College Campuses873 Words  | 4 Pages The use of drugs and alcohol on college campuses has always been a problem but the drastic increase in the amount of college students binge drinking and abusing prescription and illegal drugs from the early 90’s till now is becoming more alarming and has to be acted upon. American colleges have had a problem with alcohol abuse since the first colleges were created, but until recently college drinking has been ignored, and tolerated, although it is proven to have negative effects not only on theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legali zed?1329 Words  | 6 PagesThe college campuses in the United States have the majority of the population that uses drugs among society (Wadley Carlier, 2014). The ages of these students range from â€Å"18 to 24†that are the most likely candidates to use marijuana and are more susceptible to use and find themselves addicted while they are in college (College Drug Abuse, 2015). There is conflict on college campuses between the state and federal government laws because the college is ran by the state by falls under federal lawsRead MoreSubstance Abuse And Binge Drinking Essay1206 Words  | 5 PagesSubstance Abuse and Binge Drinking in Bryan College Station Substance abuse is a major problem that takes place on college campuses across the nation in today’s society. According to The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse half of all full-time college students binge drink, abuse prescription drugs and/ or abuse illegal drugs. This amounts to 3.8 million students. This research essay will be focusing on substance abuse in the Bryan College Station area among students, and what solutionsRead MoreEssay On Cognition Enhancers1273 Words  | 6 PagesA common trend on college campuses is the use of performance enhancing drugs for both academic and athletic motives. Most college students know of someone who abuses one of these drugs with the most common being cognition enhancers like Adderall and Ritalin. (Greely 2008) These medications are only available legally by prescription, therefore students are illegally dealing to each other for the buying and selling of these drugs. Their purpose for using is to have an advantage o ver their peers, despiteRead MoreThe Rules Of Attraction Essay1111 Words  | 5 PagesRules of Attraction, drug and alcohol abuse runs rampant throughout the novel. The main characters of the novel, Sean Bateman, Lauren Hynde, and Paul Denton, heavily use drugs and alcohol throughout the novel. Moreover, as the author portrays, drug and alcohol use are heavily integrated into the college campus culture, as nearly every character is using a wide assortment of drugs or alcohol readily available in the 1980s. Even though awareness of this problem is spreading, drug and alcohol use is stillRead MoreKyle Craig and his Abuse on Adderall1698 Words  | 7 Pagesprescription drug for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD (FDA). Kyle took Adderall illegally and abused it much too often just to perform better academically and socially. While abusing the drug, Kyle slowly began spiraling into a dangerous state of psychosis that no one seemed to catch on to. That dangerous spiral led Kyle all the way in front of a train, taking his own life (James). Kyle is not the only young college student to suffer from the effects of stimulantRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay968 Words  | 4 Pages In an age where a college degree is becoming more of a necessity, the high stress levels and competitiveness experienced by students at colleges and universities can become to much to bare. In turn, certain individuals seek the help of study drugs, also known as nootropics, â€Å"refer to the out-of-accordance use of prescription stimulants like Ritalin, Vyvanse, and Adderall to increase mental focus when studying. These drugs are commonly prescribed for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Analyzing The Quantitative Data Which Allowed For Easier...
Looking at the data collected, there were clear strengths and common themes throughout the data. Doing a basic statistical analysis allowed me to analyze the quantitative data which allowed for easier identification of themes and conflicts. Student Survey A total of 352 kindergarten through fifth graders participated on the student survey which is around 44.2% of the entire school building. Students answered 5,079 questions out of a possible 5,210 questions which results in a 97.5% of questions answered. Using class rosters and permission letter comparisons, the demographic of survey participants was as follows: 65% White, 11% Hispanic, 15% Black, and 9% other. This is a close reflection of the building demographics with a slight†¦show more content†¦Examining the other questions on self-efficacy, the lowest question scored that was asked in a positive format was â€Å"I can usually solve any number problem†with a score of 3.64. This speaks that the students are being challenged and feel that the computation questions being presented during number talks requires students to become engaged to solve the problem. Looking at student’s motivation ratings, it was clear students felt in control when doi ng number talks with a score of 4.26. This was described in the student script as know what they should be doing and how to do it. As a strength among all grade levels, teachers have instilled the expectations and process to be conducted during number talks so students feel in control of the process of their learning. One data trend present in motivation was that as student’s got older, their interest in number talks decreased. Student engagement was lead with student’s attitudes clearly showing that students truly like number talks. On the statement â€Å"I like number talks†, an average of 3.98 showed a clear likeness for the program. This likeness would show an increase in engagement as well as motivation and self-efficacy. In regards to skill transfers, students strongly felt that they were transferring the skills and strategies in number talks to their math class with a score of 4.36. Student survey results are listed in Appendix H. Staff Survey A total of 18 staff member out of 29 staff members who teach number talks
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Perception vs Reality Free Essays
She as a married woman who has become pregnant; the only complication is the at her husband has not returned to Boston. The Puritan society believes that engaging in intimate relations with one who is not married to them is a sin. Hester has to stand on a scaffold for seven real hours and permanently wear a scarlet letter ‘A’ as punishment. We will write a custom essay sample on Perception vs Reality or any similar topic only for you Order Now When she first walks out of prison, some of the older towns women shout; saying she should be branded, or even execute De (34). Hester has accepted her punishment as given by their government and church yet reject De it. She believed that what she has done was not a sin due to its loving nature and its source, t e true love of her heart (55). After the passing of time, the community’s opinion of Hester slowly changes. The town begins to think of Hester more of a human, and less of a living sermon toward s Chapter 13: Another View of Hester. They realize that her stigma of her sin, the scarlet let ere, is not showing Hotel 3 that she was an adulterer but that she is able (108). They notice all of her char itty work that she has done without being asked. She does all of the dirty, disgusting, dishonors blew jobs that no one else wants to do because she feels as if someone should do it. Hester, though accepting the enmeshment, believes it is wrong because it was justified. The reality is that eve en though she sinned in God’s eye, she did it from true love, and it inevitably happened thro ugh human nature. Hester was not alone as the one who sinned, and his identity is revealed slow y in the middle of the novel, and established greatly by chapter 12. Ironically, Hester fellow sinner is the town’s most prominent Reverend, Reeve rend Timescale. Until his final sermon, in which he reveals that he is the father 0 f Pearl, no one except Hester and Chlorinating knew of his hidden guilt. The entire town Para seed and admired Timescale. At any sermon in which he says that he is the most sinful man, t hey do not question him. The people look at him with pure awe and feeling that he is the greatest because he admits that he too ca n sin because he is human. The entire settlement of Boston bell eve that Timescale was the most righteous man they have ever met, and he was the IR only chance Of salvation so they can go to heaven if predestined. Through Damselfly’s eve rigidifies facade, you can find the truth in which he hides. Timescale is not the Bible bound man everyone believes he is, he is the one who helped create the scalded elf child, Pearl. Timescale also shows his true cowardice in Chapter 1 2: The Ministers Vigil. When pearl asks Timescale, â€Å"Wilt thou stand here with mother and me, tomorrow noontide? †, Timescale responds with, â€Å"Not so, my child. Shall, indeed, stand with thy mother and thee one other day, but not tomorrow! At the great judgment day †, (102). Pear I did not admire his response, believing that he IS embarrassed to be seen with them. With Pee earl questioning him Hotel 4 so, Timescale shows his true fear of confessing his sin to the world in order to receive forgiveness from God. He shows his true hypocritical character, saying how p people should always confess their sins yet does not do so when he has sinned. Timescale is not the only individual that the people think is helpful and overall outstanding, yet is very c introductory of popular belief. Many of Boson’s citizens failed to see the corruption in Roger Chlorinating w hen he first came about to Boston. Chlorinating came off as a complete stranger to almost everyone in the town, so many suspicions were not designated towards him. Roger was the e first man with medical experience which has come into Boston, and the citizens took advent age of the opportunity. The village welcomed Chlorinating with open arms and treated him as if he was already apart of the community. After a few years, Timescale becomes ill. T he entire town trusts Chlorinating so much that they ask him to watch over their beloved re veered, Timescale (80). Everyone feels ran_ACH more secure when Chi lingeringly become mess the spiritual guide for Timescale, in hopes that Chlorinating will cure his pains and help him reestablish himself as a healthy man he once was. Soon afterwards, the community becomes eerie of Chlorinating due to his p hysterical change. He looks more like an evil man, with long fingers, relating him to the Black Man, †grew to be a widely diffused opinion that the Reverend Arthur Timescale, ,was haunted either by Satan himself or Satin’s emissary, in the guise of old Roger Chilling Roth. (85). There is only one person who truly knows Chlorinating for what he really is, a ND that’s his wife, Hester Prone. Hester is the only person who knows Rogers true identity y as untold by him to anyone Roger Prone. Roger gives a false name from the start so the people of Boston Hotel 5 will not look at him differently because his wife sinned and had intimate relate ions with another man. While everyone assumes that Roger is indeed helping the Reverend, he I s truly torturing him. Roger tells Hester, â€Å"Even if imagine a scheme of vengeance, what could do better for my object than to let thee live,than to give thee medicines against all harm and p aril of life,so that this burning shame may still blaze upon thy bosom? †(49). Chlorinating does not care about the well being as the colony believes. The thing he wants to do is slowly tear apart Damselfly’s soul layer by layer as if he was peeling the pages off of a book. Adults are not the only ones susceptible to being judged by society. Sometimes the most innocent beings, are looked upon as the most corrupt. Society often judges individuals before they even have a chance to defend the messes. Sometimes, society judges an individual before they can even walk. In The Sac role Letter, the society instantly judged Hester daughter, pearl, soon after she was born. The e town kids would throw mud at Hester and Pearl anytime they saw them, and none of them WA need to play with Pearl because she would attack them when they threatened either her mother r or herself (60). Even the towns highly appraised leaders disregard Pearl as hardly another huh an being (74). How to cite Perception vs Reality, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Depicts Carbon Budget Emission
Question: Discuss about the Depicts Carbon Budget Emission. Answer: Introduction: The data which has been seen above depicts the carbon budget emission in Denmark and all over the world with a cumulative percentage which contributes to the environment as a whole (Olsen et al., 2010). It also states that what the carbon percentage was in the past, present and would be in future. It depicts that the fluctuation of the percentage in different eras (Bergstrm, and Carlsson, 1994). Carbon emission and budget could be controlled if unnecessary wastage would not take place but for removing it trees could not be cut down. As, if trees would be cut down then secure living would not be lead by individuals because as we need oxygen they need carbondioxide in their process of photosynthesis (Hansen, and Osterhus, 2007). This chart depicts the carbon budget which would and as seen from the graph would sink in the upcoming time if proper measures would be adopted. So, there would be better environment to live in. As a result of different measures and practices which different countries adopt it could be stated that the climate and ozone layer depletion would be controlled and people would lead to live in a better world (Anderson et al, 1998). Climate has been the major factor which changes with the emission level of carbon which fluctuates in the country as it cannot be reduced because for existence it was one of the various elements which individual would require (Benner, et al, 2005). The main cause of reduction of carbon was initiated to be made by deforestation as most of the carbon releases was seen to be made by the trees. References Anderson, L. et al. (1998) A carbon budget for the Arctic Ocean, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 12(3), 455465, doi:10.1029/98GB01372. Benner, R., et al. (2005), Terrigenous dissolved organic matter in the Arctic Ocean and its transport to surface and deep waters of the North Atlantic, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 19, GB2025, doi:10.1029/2004GB002398. Bergstrm, S., and Carlsson, B. (1994) River runoff to the Baltic Sea: 19501990, Ambio, 23(45), 280287. Hansen, B., and sterhus, S. (2007) Faroe Bank Channel overflow 19952005, Prog. Oceanogr., 75(4), 817856, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2007.09.004. Olsen, A., et al.(2010) Nordic Seas transit-time distributions and anthropogenic CO2, J. Geophys. Res., 115, C05005, doi:10.1029/2009JC005488.
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