Friday, September 4, 2020
Knitted fabrics Essay Example for Free
Weaved textures Essay Weft-weaving texture is produced using persistent lengths of yarn, which is taken care of over the width of the texture by a progression of needles. Weft weaves can be disentangled and if a join is dropped it will run down the length of the texture, so weft-sewing texture can't be cut like woven texture. This sort of weaving produces delicate, agreeable that has variable stretch, contingent upon the structure. Hand made weft sewing can be make one off creator items, for example, jumpers or pads mechanical PC controlled sewing machines delivered around 90 percent of shirt, rib and jacquard textures. Twist sewing textures are made on straight or round CAD/CAM sewing machines. Each circle of the texture is taken care of by its own different yarn, which is taken care of into the sewing zone corresponding to the texture selvedge. These circles interlock vertically, along the length of the texture. Twist weaves have some versatility, don't stepping stool and cant be disentangled. Despite the fact that they can be cut like woven textures, twist weaves have a constrained application for apparel being essentially utilized for swimwear recreation and clothing linings bands strips and trimmings they are additionally utilized for net drapes outfitting and bed material. Twist sews are for the most part utilized in modern end-utilizes including geotextiles. This is the most utilized weave development, which can give unending plan variety however the utilization of plain, thick, and flimsy, extravagant and shaded yarns plain weave is solid firm, and hardwearing and is utilized for some sorts of textures and end-utilizes, I. e. calico, gingham, muslin. calico is plain weave minimal effort cotton texture, made in various loads and widths, reasonable for test materials work. A style architect will frequently utilize calico to make a model article of clothing to help in the improvement of the level example for another structure. Inside architects some of the time utilized calico adversary making low-spending outfitting. Voile is a lightweight plain weave sheer texture produced using cotton, silk, rayon, nylon or worsted. It utilized for shirts, dresses, childrens wear, and window ornaments. Ripstop nylon is an elite plain weave texture in witch a portion of the twist and weft are bent over at spans in a twist and weft. Twill weave items texture with slanting lines witch commonly run base left to upper right on the texture face. Weaving twills in various ways produces weave varieties, for example, herringbone or chevron. Twill weave wraps well and is one of the most utilized weave developments, making textures, for example, coat or denim. Twill is utilized for a wide scope of items, for example, coats, suit, pants and shades. viyella is a 2/2 twill texture woven from fleece/cotton mix strands in the twist and weft. Viyella textures are 55%wool 45%cotton and can have plain, checked or striped they are utilized for items, for example, shirts dresses and childrens wear.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Criticaster †an Incompetent Critic or How Not to Spoil a Good Critical Review
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Article Review: the Religious Sources of Islamic Terrorism
1. The article â€Å"The Religious Sources of Islamic Terrorism†by Shmuel Bar takes an inside and out investigate the potential defenses of fear based oppression with respect to religion. In this article, Bar endeavors to distinguish the contrasts between the religion of Islam and the obligations related with being a Muslim remembering taking part for jihad. The creator clarifies the different contrasts between the thoughts of both the conventional Muslim just as the moderate Muslim. He proceeds to distinguish jihadist-type acts that might be changed if the correct development and execution of rules were set.The key focuses and ideas in this article are: †¢ the clarification of the Islamic religion; †¢ the jihadist development; †¢ the conventional versus the moderate Muslim; †¢ the potential procedure to manage radical belief system. 2. The Islam religion isn't one that has glaring negligence for the estimation of human life. It is viewed as a quiet religi on and ought not be confused just like a religion that advances psychological warfare. Sadly, there have been various demonstrations of viciousness and psychological oppression for the sake of Islam and a surface-instructed individual will accuse the whole religion.Many individuals’ absence of information lead them down a way of speculation and prejudice for the religion itself. The writer of this article works superbly clarifying that it isn't the religion that submits these demonstrations of fear; it is the individual’s understanding of the compositions that radicalize its lessons. 3. The jihadist development is the place a great part of the fierce part of the religion can be gotten from. The conviction is that it is their own obligation inside their religion to battle for their faith.This might be peaceful, for example, an inner battle with one’s profound life. An increasingly physical angle is shown in different structures, for example, the commitment to spr ead the religion or a progressively savage methodology, battling to guard a once Muslim nation from intrusion of unbelievers. The demonstration of jihad in a savage way regularly is shown by the extreme Islamists whom are progressively centered around the conventional and exacting implications of the sacred writing; consequently there exists a contention among them and the conservatives. 4.The thoughts of the conventionalist versus the moderate Muslim are clashing by they way they decipher different lessons of their sacred text. Cooperation in jihad might be viewed as a commitment because of the possessing of such a large number of nations by non-Muslims; be that as it may, the possibility that it must be battled with demonstrations of fear remains discussed. The conventionalists will take a progressively strict understanding bringing about demonstrations of savagery and dread; despite the fact that this activity will in general have more political thought processes instead of relig ious.The moderate Muslim battles with the likelihood that their less universal convictions will seem like they are deserting their religion. Because of the way that the conventionalist is bound to depend on viciousness, there is likewise a dread of counter against the moderate Muslim. Shockingly, with that attitude, the extreme Islamists win. 5. A drawn out methodology needs to incorporate thoughts and not really weapons and a lot of rules. The creator clarifies that the arrangement is much more profound than the demonstrations they are submitting on the surface.Creating a methodology to conceivably battle a radical, strict belief system appears just as it would be unthinkable. A long-run system that plots the lessons of their religion and spotlights on how psychological warfare is really against their sacred text could succeed. The creator recognizes the possibility that Western human progress must investigate and understand that there are a greater number of ways than simply their way. This acknowledgment, and potentially resistance, could take into account an understanding that the two social orders could manage. 6. The writer of this article, Dr.Shmuel Bar, has prominent believability in this topic. As per his account on The Intelligence Summit site, Dr. Bar is the Director of Studies at the Institute of Policy and Strategy in Herzliya, Israel. He has additionally held different insight positions inside the Israeli government and headed different research ventures including some for the United States government, as indicated by the Hudson Institute. His scholastic, expert, and individual aptitude loans him to be a solid wellspring of information.The just inquiry that might be proposed is, what is his strict alliance? With the degree of his experience and information, this may appear to be a disputable issue; be that as it may, religion depends on almost no rationale. Confidence depends on how one feels, not exactly what one has explored or has seen. It is an amazing main impetus that is practically difficult to portray. The possibility that influence could be accomplished without really realizing this main impetus is naivety in itself.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Escherichia coli ESBL positive and its interaction with the human Dissertation
Escherichia coli ESBL positive and its collaboration with the human urothelial cells - Dissertation Example The quality encoding the anti-infection obstruction is found on plasmids, transposons, and embedded in qualities in microorganisms everywhere throughout the world and in different species. Albeit much research has been directed to describe the microbial compound biochemically, PCR investigation remains the â€Å"gold standard (4, 5, 6).†E. coli segregates from the earth are commonly succeptible to beta-lactam anti-microbials as a result of the nonappearance of a solid advertiser grouping for the statement of the quality for Beta-Lactamase. In any case, broad utilization of anti-microbials and the spread of hereditary components among the microscopic organisms have brought about advancement of Beta-lactam safe strains. Subsequently, Beta-lactam safe strains of E. coli have been disconnected from emergency clinics and centers the world over (7, 8, 9). Klebsiella is an individual from the Enterobacteria that is a little, non-motile bar, and the bacterium is frequently connected with urinary tract contaminations. Klebsiella is equipped for nonaerobic digestion and is found in water and soil, notwithstanding the mammalian intestinal and urinary tracts. Klebsiella has the chemical nitrogenase, and is equipped for nitrogen obsession under nonaerobic conditions, however the bacterium loses this ability under the high-impact condition in mammalian intestinal and urinary tracts (1, 10, 11, 12). Points and Objectives The official of E.coli to urothelial cells is intervened by pili through the FIMH protein. The receptor for the coupling has been clarified to be uroplakin 1a in mouse cells (13). Transformation of key buildups in FIMH weakens gorging of E.coli to the FIMH urinary receptor and thus lessens colonization of the microscopic organisms in the bladder. The coupling is interceded by mannose deposits and depends on a key pocket in the FIMH protein (14, 15). Disengages of E. coli from a septic sheep were used to portray the cytotoxic necrotizing factor type 2, and it was found that this protein enters affected epithelial cells and targets Rho protein, which hence revamps actin fibers into stress filaments in the affected host cells (16, 17, 18). Photodynamic treatment (PDT) has been used to treat numerous epidermal conditions in people. These incorporate skin malignant growth, skin break out, skin rejuvination, hidradenitis suppurativa, psoriasis, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, scattered actinic porokeratosis, confined scleroderma, and vulval lichen sclerosis. Different applications incorporate butt-centric and vulvar carcinoma, vindication of metastatic bosom malignancy to skin, Barrett’s throat, and retinal macular degeneration (19, 20, 21). PDT is described by the utilization of moderate light (50mW/s) for a moderate measure of time (15 minutes) to the tainted region which makes a photosensitization period followed by a devastation period. PDT application brings about a 5 to 6 log decline in irresistible, antiobiotic safe microscop ic organisms by decimation of amino acids and polylysine tracts present in bacterial proteins, just as the making of ruinous receptive oxygen species (22, 23, 24). It is proposed in this work PDT be used to illuminate E. coli and Klebsiella beta-lactamase positive microbes from societies of human urothelial cells. Materials and Methods Human urothelial ce
Tips That Will Help to Create Financial Management Essay Essay Example
Tips That Will Help to Create Financial Management Essay A money related administration paper has a place with the class of basic reasoning and logical articles. It surmises the conversation of a wide assortment of issues associated with the association of business and its money related part of the association. The foundations, propelling, and improvement of another organization is a genuine duty that requires a mindful methodology. The assignment of an individual liable for the accepting and course of assets is to fix the procedure so it fills in as a perfect instrument. Additionally, an individual needs to settle on ideal choices and have a full comprehension of the financing condition. It is likewise important to fabricate an association with subsidizing bodies to pick up their help and regard. One should have the option to foresee the outcome and plan the course of activities to make the livelihoods higher. Every one of these issues present the premise of the budgetary administration exposition. A creator of this paper can talk about financing procedures, speculations issues just as viable overseeing strategies and methods. Educators and teachers from schools and colleges request from their understudies planning of these papers. They permit looking at the degree of information recognition and the capacity of an understudy to think basically. In addition, insightful administrators get an opportunity to assess the composing aptitudes of a student just as their capacity to search for ideal arrangements. An essayist, who got the errand to make this sort of scholarly task, needs to mull over all principles of organizing and arranging. Also, one must have the option to compose the paper appropriately to make it sensible, intelligible and durable. It's anything but a simple assignment, and one ought to be maximally focused. How to compose a money related administration paper? We will compose a custom exposition test on Tips That Will Help to Create Financial Management Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Tips That Will Help to Create Financial Management Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Tips That Will Help to Create Financial Management Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Each paper has its idiosyncrasies in organizing and designing. Contingent upon it, an author should design one’s procedure of arrangement. It is important to design the composing appropriately to altogether talk about the point, indicate the proposition, and clarify all the eccentricities and subtleties of a specific subject. Composing technique of money related administration article possesses three phases. One needs to begin with the period of getting ready. It assumes the decision of a theme, social affair of the fundamental information and arranging of a future report. One may pick the issue from the rundown of subjects gave by the academic administrator. It is likewise conceivable to choose the definition. It is in every case better to focus consideration on a point that is the most natural to an author. Next one needs to accumulate the information by counseling the rundown of references. It is smarter to make notes. The exact opposite activity in this stage is to make a framework. A layout is an arrangement fundamental for an author. It permits to build up a reason for the future paper just as empowers to take care of the considerable number of thoughts. It turns into a spine for the entire content. The following stage is composing. Presently the errand of an understudy is to grow the arrangement by including more data. An individual needs to include some enticing contentions and models. They will outline the perspective of the creator and improve his position concerning the given theme. The last stage requires checking and altering. One needs to clean the content splendidly by wiping out all the lexical and linguistic mistakes. It is constantly a productive methodology to apply web based checking apparatuses. It is vital to inspect the degree of uniqueness too. The creator needs to turn in the first paper. How to structure a budgetary administration paper? Every scholarly assignments has its auxiliary and arranging specificities, which secure the rationale and sense stacking of a paper. It is basic for the individual taking a shot at the production of monetary administration article to consider all the organizing and tail them. It will permit making a lucid and strong book, which will relate to all specificities.  A structure of this particular sort of scholastic task surmises the initial part †presentation, the fundamental body, and the summarizing part †end. A presentation is the opening of a book. It is the main bit of data, which the objective peruser gets. Consequently, an essayist needs to deal with this part being accumulated adequately and pertinently. Its capacity is to catch the eye of the crowd and convince that the bit of information merits perusing. This part ought to involve a snare sentence, foundation information articulation, and a postulation. A snare explanation serves both as a lead in and as a fascination. It might be a celebrated saying or an energizing certainty pertinent to the topic. The following component is the foundation information message. It ought to acclimate the individual with the point and permits to get the general data about the subject examined. It ought to set up the peruser for the view of the further data. The proposition should both express the situation of an author just as present the focal idea of the entire composition. Focal body part should incorporate powerful contentions joined with pertinent models. These announcements should improve and bolster the proposition. The capacity of an end is to summarize all the focuses talked about. It should introduce the consistent closure for the entire content. Request money related administration exposition on As is frequently the situation, understudies of schools and colleges are excessively over-burden with different assignments. Consequently, they can't devote sufficient opportunity and endeavors to the creative cycle. Therefore, the content isn't appropriate and doesn't merit a positive assessment. Individuals from higher instructive foundations, who need time or experience begin searching for online administrations, which can give assistance. On the web exists an assortment of stages, where one can arrange monetary administration paper of any degree of unpredictability. Be that as it may, not every one of them are dependable and solid enough. is an ideal variation for those, who need assistance and backing with the conveyance of this scholarly task. We employ a team of cutting edge specialists, who can rapidly adapt to the paper of any kind and level of intricacy. The entirety of our specialists have unrivaled composing abilities and adaptable personalities. works all day, every day and day by day conveys many papers. It is an ideal way-out for those, who need time or experience. To arrange money related administration exposition on, one have to google â€Å"make an article for me†or â€Å"write my exposition for me†and fill in the requesting structure. There, one needs to embed the title of the paper, its sort, the quantity of pages required just as the principle prerequisites. It is likewise basic to include the rundown of references if there is such. The last advance of making the request is setting the cutoff times and giving installment. Simply from that point forward, we dispatch the readiness procedure. You will get you splendidly cleaned task inside the expressed cutoff time! Simply search â€Å"write my exposition modest or â€Å"write my school essay†and make a request! Quit drawing nearer and utilizing inconsistent wellsprings of help †get in touch with us!
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Research Paper Samples
Research Paper SamplesOne of the most common mistakes is to send out your research paper samples for tests without first checking whether they are acceptable. There are two main reasons why this should be done: the test will be for an exam that will be given at the university, and you don't want to pass it by cheating! This article tells you about how to do this. In the process of doing this you will find out which samples you need and which tests to do.If you have already got your study guides, then you should request a no-rule or 'no-paper' letter from the testing agency for any tests that you don't want to do. You should be asked to give your name and what test you are taking and request a copy of the report from the testing agency. This will usually be sent out by post, but in some cases it may also be sent via email. There is usually a fee for this will be your only chance to get it, so make sure you use it if you don't get it from the testing agency directly. This way you will get a copy of the report that has all the instructions on how to do the test correctly.After receiving the required paper samples, you should then start doing the research paper samples for the test. You should check the 'About' page on the website for any changes that have been made recently, which would mean that the website is not as good as it used to be. Sometimes this information has been deleted or changed, which means you may need to look elsewhere to find the information. It would be a good idea to check in the first place, but there are also other options.You can use the 'research paper samples' form provided by the agency, or ask the person at the testing centre if they can provide one. Make sure you get your copies from the agency. They often have old versions that may be less reliable. It would be a good idea to start with research paper samples for the English exam as these are easier to read. You may get them from the same source as when you were first asked to send i n your study guides, but if you don't you should check the site for updates before you get started.The test itself is all the more important if you don't know the answers, so don't try to cheat yourself into the top spot by doing too many paper samples. Remember that getting a passing grade is not an achievement, it is just the minimum score. It won't really tell you where you are going to end up. It will however tell you the areas where you are weakest and how to improve them. So what you will need to do is find out the weakest part of your essay and work on improving it. This should then lead to getting you to the top of the table.Of course, if you just cannot make up your mind on what essay to write, then you should choose the test and essay that you think is the best. This is the point at which most people get stuck, and I know I was one time. But this is one area that is really important and the testing agency can't help you unless you choose something you like. The essay has t o make sense, and you should make sure that the essay is true to the piece of writing you want to do.When you send your sample papers to the testing agency, keep in mind that they will have already done the same. This means that there are a lot of differences between the test and essay. They have done the same for each test and essay, so you need to find out the differences between them and compare them with the two you want to do. This will ensure that you end up with something you are happy with.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
How Resulted The Spanish-American War - Free Essay Example
Spain gave away Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico to the United States after the Treaty of Paris and then later transferred sovereignty of the Philippines to the United States for $20 million after the Spanish- American War. America was far superior to Spain and the war didnt last very long. Although we didnt have many troops to begin with many volunteers joined to defeat Spain and gain bragging rights. The war had a great effect on Spain and it was a major turning point for imperialism in America. That war was the first war America had fought overseas and many were intimidated at first, but after Spains first defeat at Manila Bay on June 22 they were very confident in their abilities. The main causes of the Spanish- American War was the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor and Americas support for the advancing struggle by cubans against spanish rule. The U.S.S. Main exploded just a few days after the de Lome letter so America had immediate suspicions that Spain placed underwater mines in the harbor. The explosion killed 266 people and it became one of the main reasons for war. After doing research many people believe that the sinking of the ship was caused by a coal fire on the inside of the ship instead of the outside like America had first thought. The Spanish- American war only lasted for four months after it started, ending with the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. The treaty gave freedom to the Cubans and they got their independence from Spain. Spain treated the Cubans and filipinos as slaves. Cuba and the philippines had less troops in the ten years war ,(1868- 1878), so Cubas generals were forced to use guerrilla warfare to hopefully tire out Spains troops and that didnt work. Cubans were basically Spains slaves after that and they treated them terribly. The United States was interested in the sugar on the Cuban land. Thats why the treatment of Cuba was so important. It could make us a lot of money. The president at the time, William McKinley, didnt want war. He wanted to focus on the economy not a war. A war costs a lot of money and he wasnt trying to spend much on things that we didnt have to spend it on. However, when America received the de Lome letter insulting the president for being weak we were outraged and ready for war. The letter was broadcast all over America. A lot of people agreed that the president was weak and that he could do better but they didnt want to hear that from a guy from Spain. That man who wrote the letter was named Enrique Dupuy de Lome. America demanded an apology from him by February 14. Most of the troops we had fighting were volunteers and needed more training than normal to fight. It took much longer for them to be ready for war, but in the end they were glad they had the extra training time. They came from around the world to fight for their country although most of them didnt know how to. America became a world power and many countries wouldnt dare to offend them. The Spanish- American War resulted in american imperialism.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Third Punic War and Carthago Delenda Est
By the end of the Second Punic War (the war where Hannibal and his elephants crossed the Alps), Roma (Rome) so hated Carthage that she wanted to destroy the north African urban center. The story is told that when the Romans finally got to take revenge, after they won the Third Punic War, they salted the fields so the Carthaginians could no longer live there. This is an example of urbicide. Carthago Delenda Est! By 201 B.C., the end of the Second Punic War, Carthage no longer had its empire, but it was still a shrewd trading nation. By the middle of the second century, Carthage was thriving and it was hurting the trade of those Romans who had investments in North Africa. Marcus Cato, a respected Roman senator, began to clamor Carthago delenda est! Carthage must be destroyed! Carthage Breaks the Peace Treaty Meanwhile, African tribes neighboring Carthage knew that according to the peace treaty between Carthage and Rome that had concluded the Second Punic War, if Carthage overstepped the line drawn in the sand, Rome would interpret the move as an act of aggression. This offered daring African neighbors some impunity. These neighbors took advantage of this reason to feel secure and made hasty raids into the Carthaginian territory, knowing their victims couldnt pursue them. Eventually, Carthage became fed up. In 149 B.C., Carthage got back into armor and went after the Numidians. Rome declared war on the grounds that Carthage had broken the treaty. Although Carthage didnt stand a chance, the war was drawn out for three years. Eventually, a descendant of Scipio Africanus, Scipio Aemilianus, defeated the starved citizens of the besieged city of Carthage. After killing or selling all the inhabitants into slavery, the Romans razed (possibly salting the land) and burned the city. No one was allowed to live there. Carthage had been destroyed: Catos chant had been carried out. Primary Sources on the Third Punic War Polybius 2.1, 13, 36; 3.6-15, 17, 20-35, 39-56; 4.37. Livy 21. 1-21.Dio Cassius 12.48, 13.Diodorus Siculus 24.1-16.
Monday, May 18, 2020
12 Tips for Self-Education in Writing
Autodidactism is the art of self-education, which is teaching yourself about a new subject. For self-education in any topic, there are three forms of learning: niche knowledge, skill development, and liberal understanding. Many eager seekers of knowledge focus only on one or two of the forms, but applying all three will allow you to excel at writing. Niche knowledge refers to learning the fundamental knowledge necessary to successfully write. These are grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Skill development, or ability, focuses on applying the fundamental knowledge to practice your craft. For writing, this means effectively creating the work product you’re looking for. Examples include fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Finally, liberal understanding is a broader concept. While the self-educator is working hard to learn the fundamentals and practice his/her skill development, it’s beneficial to take a step back and learn by absorbing the history, theory, and great works of literature. Below are 12 steps for learning how to write. Tip # 1 (Niche Learning) – Spelling and Grammar Just like you can’t drive without learning which pedal is the gas and which is the brake, good writing is impossible without impeccable spelling and grammar. Search online for â€Å"spelling exercises†and there will be many interactive tools that relentlessly drive home correct spelling. Purchase a good dictionary for reference, such as one from Webster or Oxford Dictionaries. Many online courses are also available that teach basic grammar. Choose one from,, or similar. To supplement grammar knowledge, purchase a good reference book that you can consult once you’ve learned the basics. One option is the 16th edition of the Chicago Style of Manual. It has about 300 pages devoted to grammar and standard usage. Note that it’s fine to rely on word processing spellcheckers and grammar checkers, but these should be reminders, not form the basis for proper spelling and grammar. Tip # 2 (Niche Learning) – Vocabulary While spelling and grammar are fundamental, good writing in English takes advantage of the rich array of words in the English language. Consult an online thesaurus or purchase one in book form. Tip # 3 (Niche Learning) – Practice Once the basics have been learned, practice until you can write sentences and paragraphs with proper spelling, grammar and vocabulary. Tip # 4 (Skills Development) – Short Stories For those interested in fiction writing, short stories are a great way to hone your craft before embarking on a novel. Mastering plots, scenes, dialogue and character development takes time and practice. Writer’s Digest Books has a series of books dedicated to each of these components. Tip #5 (Skills Development) – Poetry Not all aspiring writers plan to create poetry, but practicing it forces you to be economical with words and helps expand your vocabulary. Tip # 6 (Skills Development) – Screenplays Screenplays help development scenes and dialogue. Successful dialogue in a screenplay will help make the dialogue in your fiction credible and compelling. Tip # 7 (Skills Development) – Test Yourself Once you’ve had some practice writing short stories, poetry, or screenplays, enter writing contests. Hundreds of magazines have annual writing contests. Usually the winning prize is publication in the magazine. If editors like your work, chances are it’s pretty good. Tips 8 through 10 (Liberal Understanding) – Further Lectures The self-taught writer’s work will improve by gaining a deeper understanding of the theory and history of writing. Here are several free online lectures from Yale University that will help with this. Tip 8 – The history and theory of literature. Tip 9 – Modern American fiction. Tip 10 – Poetry from the classics to modern. Tips 11 and 12 (Liberal Understanding) – Learning Through Reading The self-taught writer’s work will improve by exposure to works by the great writers. Tip 11 – Choose five books from the Harvard Shelf of Classics and read them. Tip 12 – Choose a successful writer in your genre of interest and read them.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hotel Employees’ Attitude and Participation in...
Thailand tourism plays an important role in its economic development and the hotel business is part of it. Tourism industry and hotel businesses are influence and supporting each other. The activities of hotel businesses are issues that had a much impact on the environment. The global warming phenomenon has been dramatically increasing. Environmental crisis has become one of the world’s most serious problems to be concerned about caused by increasing world population. People had doubled the consumption of natural resource (Webster, 2005). Activities from tourism have affected directly and indirectly the ecosystems. For instance, coral reefs is damaged by tourists such as trampling, buying, or collecting reefs species which has a direct†¦show more content†¦Employees are important to organizations, and can be improved or underdeveloped organizational performance (Huselid, 1995; Hoque, 2000). Therefore, in environmental management, it needs supporters’ participatory approach to shared environmental responsibility among the hotel employees in order to achieve the same goal and solve problems in environmental management. Moreover, employees are considered key to the survival of competitive organizations, especially in light of the new economic environment of globalization and employment where employees qualities, attitudes, and behavior in the workplace could affect the performance of organizations. Therefore, Human Resource Management (HRM) has become a critical issue for the hotel industry (Nolan, 2002). In addition, Wattana (2009) she is an Asst. Director of Human Resources of Novotel Bangkok Hotel in Siam Square states that a good employees’ attitude is important for hotels. Attitude and personality in working that is a first one organization will consider because a positive thinking can make employees intend to take the job learning. That is more important than anything else. The environmental management and responsibilities by hotels in developing countries is still relatively rare. The actions can improve the knowledge and understanding by providing information on the responsiveness of hotels towards
Department Infrastructure South Australia -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Department Infrastructure South Australia? Answer: Introduction Australia is one of the developed nation in terms of economy and technology. The country has established itself as one of the forerunners in development in the transportation field as well. The country is aiming at moving from the present idea of transportation as just vehicles and infrastructure to transport people from one place to another, the country is aiming at a revolutionary change in the field to make it a seamless experience for the commuters to travel (Thompson and Maginn 2012). The country has a draft of Future Transport Strategy which is prepared to revolutionize the transportation system of Australia ( 2018). The Draft Future Transport 2056 strategy is a plan that is under way which has divided the country into various zones and is comprehending how transportation can be utilized to boost the growth and economy of the nation in all aspects. The plan is kept at customer centric and technology driven. Primarily it has been launched plan that als o focuses to build three advanced cities across Sydney, the traditional Harbour City in the east, the Central River City at Parramatta and a Western Parkland City ( 2018). Key Strategic Certainties Strategic certainties denote the plans and strategies that are pre-determined and planned in order to be executed in the near future successfully. vehicle innovation is moving toward progressively complex mechanization from self-sufficient crisis braking and propelled speed control to completely mechanized activity (Weber et al. 2014). The potential advantages of such highlights incorporate enhanced wellbeing, effectiveness, ecological and social results, and accommodation of the travellers. In Australia, completely driverless vehicles could be available in the following couple of years, in spite of the fact that it might be decades before a huge extent of the commuter transportation are completely mechanized (Hillier, Wright and Damen 2017). This new innovation could enhance versatility for individuals with handicap, the youthful and elderly, free up parking spot for urban redevelopment, diminish framework development expenses and improve utilization of existing foundation. Apart f rom the innovation factor in technology the country is also looking forward to reducing the effects of pollution caused due to transportation. In the present scenario Australia has the eighth highest emission rate of greenhouse gas and the rate is predicted to be increasing at the rate of 25 percent by 2029 to 2030 ( 2018). To help the three city design, the NSW Government's new transport procedure expects to enhance open transport so that by 2056, 70 percent of individuals will live inside 30 minutes of work, study and leisure activities. Future Transport 2056 will likewise target enhancing security, proficiency, unwavering quality and joining of administrations. Future Transport is a thorough methodology to guarantee the way we travel is more individual, incorporated, open, protected, solid and supportable. There are three sections to the system; programs that are focused on or financed by the NSW Government throughout the following ten years; extends that are under scrutiny and visionary tasks in the 20 year in addition to time period that are being recognized now for future thought as our populace develops. Key strategic Uncertainties Australia has been historically facing some challenges. To understand the uncertainties of the future some of the past and present challenges may be understood. In 2005 Sydney inhabitants made 15.7 million treks every weekday. The automobiles represented 69.4% of all road trips, either as driver or as traveller. Sydney's rail and ship systems are openly possessed, while transport administrations are worked by the freely claimed State Transit Authority and private suppliers. The NSW State Plan conferred government offices to expand the extent of aggregate adventures to work by open transport in the Sydney metropolitan area to 25% by 2016 (22% in 2005) ( 2018). The Government declared in April 2008 that it would construct the city's first metro rail framework overhauling the north west of Sydney. An agreement for an e-ticketing framework for Sydney's open transport was scratched off in 2007. Clog on some of Sydney's major arterial roads postures issues to transport administrators, drivers and cargo vehicles. New innovation is being acquainted with give transports need at squeeze focuses and enhance data for travellers. With the city's populace anticipated that would keep on growing, the State Government has built up various arrangements and plans which give the setting to transport strategy in Sydney. The plans that has been taken up to be realised in the next 20 or 30 years includes major technological revolutionary transformations like replacing most of the vehicles with driverless ones. How much of this is possible is still a major question and remains a doubt among the people. Most importantly when the concept of driverless vehicles is itself under a debate from various sections of the society (Schoettle and Sivak 2014). The cognitive ability and decision making cannot be in nay ways replaced by machine intelligence is what a large section says. The planning of 70% of the population living within 30 minutes distance of work, study, or entertainment is not really possible in every case, because the mode of transportation will determine the time and the issue is case sensitive. Key Drivers A modern look at how Australia's motoring future may unfurl is given in an arrangement of four situations created by the National Transport Commission which is at a similar time when the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) World Congress that took place in Melbourne in 2016. Peering into the future as a long way ahead as 2040, the new papers investigate four changes that are relied upon to have some effect in transit Australian transport may advance as new advances keep on being produced ( 2016). The four drivers of change are Automation, Shared Mobility, Data Availability and Consumer demand for innovative services. The worlds automotive industry is already engaged in developing autonomous cars that will be able to navigate the countrys highways and by-ways with little or no human intervention (Faezipour et al. 2012). The NTC is as of now examining 'administrative hindrances' that would hinder the boundless reception of self-driving innovation in Australia, past the driver-help frameworks effectively accessible. These incorporate autonomous emergency braking, brake assist, stability control, lane keep assist and adaptive cruise control ( 2016). Shared commuting is as of now discovering its presence in Australia, with the NTC naming organizations offering such a service as "GoGet, Flexicar, Hertz all day, every day, Green Car Share and PopCar". The NTC report doesn't particularly say this, however one obstacle confronting such organizations is the social hesitance in Australia to be without a personal automobile and depend altogether on ride-sharing, customary open transport and the more up to date idea of auto sharing. Information accessibility is the free dispersal of information between vehicles, infrastructures (signal lights, computerized street signs, and so forth) and cell phones (Puthran. Puthur and Dharulkar 2015). This guarantees to arrange movement stream for ideal proficiency and security, however could give issues to information exchange if the system can't adapt to the measure of data being transmitted and processed. Working Theory Developing markets and perceiving open doors for exchange and venture will stay urgent for keeping up enhancing the expectations for everyday comforts. This will likewise be indispensable to pleasing movements in interior relocation and statistic changes as they affect transport and framework needs around the nation. In the interim, as troublesome advances converge into shared economies, for example, cell phone encouraged ride-sharingthey will keep on challenging existing income models and test the responsiveness of strategy producers and controllers. The working model if everything goes according to the plans will give rise to a situation where people will by and large depend on the automatic vehicles, there will be more shared rides than personal cars, the cars will be exchanging data with the traffic signals and the cell phones will be connected to the overall transport and traffic situation of the region. The important places will be 30 minutes away from home and there will be transportation available most of the time in all the locations over the entire country. Developing methods of inventive administration conveyance utilizing correspondences advances and different systems can possibly give services to those already unfit to get to them through conventional means. Some current changes in administrations conveyance that are probably going to profit provincial Australia incorporate adaptable territorial models of wellbeing administrations and enhanced separation instruction capacities. Quick mechanical advancement including digitisation and computerization is additionally prone to posture critical difficulties and open doors for local Australia. Individuals in incompetent or low-income occupations are likely to encounter the best weight and new capacities will be required for the employments without bounds (Velaga et al. 2012). Conclusion Future Transport Strategy of Australia has ambitious and detailed plans to improve the commuting experience of the Australians at all levels. The plan includes the overall transport administration and aims to revolutionize the way people travel from one point to the other. Driverless vehicles, to shared mobility, and synchronized transport system to sustainable conveyance practices the plan includes every aspect possible in the field. There are some limitations and challenges that might be faced by the authorities to execute the plan which includes the hesitation of the people to embrace new technology and the debates over the ethical usage of driverless vehicles. However, the strategy aims to remove all such challenges by technological innovation and revolutionize the transport system of Australia. References: (2018).Future Mobility Lab Fund - DPTI - Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure South Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Feb. 2018]. Faezipour, M., Nourani, M., Saeed, A. and Addepalli, S., 2012. Progress and challenges in intelligent vehicle area networks.Communications of the ACM,55(2), pp.90-100., 2018.Draft Future Transport Strategy 2056 - Future Transport. [online] Future Transport. Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2018]. Hillier, P., Wright, B. and Damen, P., 2017. Readiness for self-driving vehicles in Australia., 2018.Transport and Australias Development to 2040 and Beyond. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2018]., 2016.Four pillars of future transport in Australia - [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2018]., 2018.Transport Problems Facing Large Cities. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2018]. Puthran, M., Puthur, S. and Dharulkar, R., 2015. Smart Traffic Signal.Int. Journal of Comp Sc and Info Tech,6(2), pp.1360-1363. Schoettle, B. and Sivak, M., 2014. A survey of public opinion about autonomous and self-driving vehicles in the US, the UK, and Australia. Thompson, S. and Maginn, P., 2012.Planning Australia: An overview of urban and regional planning. Cambridge University Press., 2018.A new 40 year vision for Greater Sydney transport | Transport for NSW. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2018]. Velaga, N.R., Nelson, J.D., Wright, S.D. and Farrington, J.H., 2012. The potential role of flexible transport services in enhancing rural public transport provision.Journal of Public Transportation,15(1), p.7. Weber, K.M., Heller-Schuh, B., Godoe, H. and Roeste, R., 2014. ICT-enabled system innovations in public services: Experiences from intelligent transport systems.Telecommunications Policy,38(5-6), pp.539-557.
Hierarchy and Power are Intrinsic to the Current Health Care System
Question: Discuss about theHierarchy and Power are Intrinsic to the Current Health Care System. Answer: The current Australian health care system was established in 1984. The system enables the citizens are not charged to get treatment in all the public hospitals in the country and at the same time the citizens get subsidies to access other health care services (Hall, 2015). The health care system usually gets funding from the government whereby the general public pays for it through taxation. The system has borne fruits of the country since its life expectancy is positioned third globally. However, the country still has some health problems similar to other developed countries and the problems include management of the chronic diseases, obesity, majority of the population has aged, and mental illness (Apparri and Johnson, 2010). Funding the health care system has not been a simple responsibility to the Australian government because the country has a federal system of governance. The health care has been devolved to be under the different state government while on the other hand, the r ole of collecting revenue belongs to the national government (, 2017). As a result, the state government depends on the national government funding to run an effective health care system (Keleher, 2001). This makes the essence of this paper as it focuses on the importance of hierarchy and power in the Australian health care system. Hierarchy is important in the Australian health care system is important because it helps in giving responsibilities for each level of the government to the proper management of the system. Even though the health care system in Australia has been devolved, the leadership of the country ensured that all the levels of governance had a role to play (Smith et al, 2012). As a result, the commonwealth government, also known as the national government was given the role of ensuring that it made provision for the funds required to run an effective system. The national government, specifically makes provision for dental care, elderly health care, and basic health care (Kolehmainen-Aitken, 2004). Additionally, the national government caters for all the health care needs of people living in Torress Straight island and Aboriginal people. Furthermore, the national government has been given another hierarchical responsibility of ensuring that the health care providers have been financed. This includes offering them favorable working conditions through the provision of all their needs (Mossiolos et al, 2002). In other words, the commonwealth government must ensure that the health care providers have all the equipments that they require in order to deliver their services, which include of the drugs, syringes, gloves, and all other basic equipments (Almalki, FitzGerald, and Clark, 2011). Additionally, the national government has the responsibility of ensuring that the patients are comfortable when they access the hospitals to access the services. Hence, there should be provision of enough beds in the wards for the in-patients, enough number of health care providers, basic needs should be met such as availability of water in the hospital (Joumard, Andr, and Nicq, 2010). Also, the government should ensure that hospitals hav e all the machines that are required to diagnose different illness and also machines that are required in treating some of the diseases (Legido-Quigley, 2008). All the provisions are important in ensuring that the government has an effective health care system. Another hierarchical importance of the Australian government in delivering an effective health care system for all the patients, the federal government has been assigned the role of meeting the cost of all the outpatient Australians (Hu et al, 2008). Additionally, the federal government has also been assigned the role of meeting 40 percent of the cost of the patients that have been admitted in the public hospitals. The remaining 60 percent of the cost is usually covered by the national government (Hurley et al, 2002). Another role that has been assigned to the federal government is ensuring that the health care system is running smoothly in all the health institutions and all the patients get the health that they need. The federal government also has the role of identifying different areas that require some improvement in the health care system and propose the changes to the national government (Joumard, and Kongsrud, 2003). In case the proposals being made by the federal government are meant to improve the lives of the Australian citizens, then the national government has the role of debating whether there are some changes that should be implemented. The power of the national government in the health care system is manifested when there is some adjustment that requires to be made especially with the funding of the health care system. The aspect is important since it helps the health care system to be consolidated in one place (Palmer and Short, 2002). As a result, the entire country is empowered to get access of uniform health care services and under similar conditions such that there is no region that will be disadvantaged. Additionally, the commonwealth government ensures that the health care system has been channeled to all the areas of the country. Changes in the health care system in Australia cut randomly across all the states through directives from the national government (Porter and Teisberg, 2006). Additionally, the national government ensures that the health care system has been uniformly coordinated across all the country. As a result, when the government intends to upgrade the health care institutions, it does it thr oughout the country and all the hospitals are given equal treatment such that there is no group of people will be disadvantaged (Doctauer and Oxley, 2003). Functionalism is one of the sociological theories that is manifested by the health care system in Australia. The health system must be effective to ensure that the society experiences good health and as a result, the society will be more productive (Cockerham, 2014). For the theory to be manifested, the health care providers are given the responsibility of ensuring that the patients get the instructions, which they should adhere to. As a result, the practitioners therefore have to ensure that they deliver with efficiency when treating their patients. Another theory that manifests itself in the Australian health care system is the conflict theory. Usually the social class of people defines the quality of health care that a patient is likely to get (Tommey, 2009). However, the government of Australia has tried to solve this conflict and come up with a system that is all inclusive. As a result, the health practitioners must ensure that the patients get equal treatment regardless of thei r social class. The two theories require that health practitioners should be competent in the delivery of health services such that their knowledge and authority will be manifested. In conclusion, it should be noted that the health care system in Australia has its major challenges. For instance, it is difficult to identify the roles that each level of government has been assigned a specific task (Ducket and Willcockx, 2015). As a result, the Australians are denied a chance to come up with petitions that demands improvements in the delivery of a specific service, which they feel need to be improved.Yet,these improvements could affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of services to the Austalians In addition, it should be noted that the health care institutions in Australia lacks the presence of leaders due to the influence of the political forces (Leape et al, 2009).Leaders are helpful since they are the eyes on the ground and will therefore have an experience and thus have reforms that are sensitive to the people. As a result, it is likely that the similar programs can be implemented severally since there is no management in place and this is a w aste of the revenue (Gunter and Terry, 2005). However, the health care system in Australia is working for the good of the people who are able to access free or affordable medical services. The system has played a huge role in ensuring that the people have access to one of their basic need regardless of a persons financial status. Additionally, the system has played an important role of ensuring that the entire country enjoys access to uniform health care services. As a result, the patients do not have to travel long distances to access a service since similar services are offered.These is an important and thoughtful since all classes/status doesnt matter. The system has also ensured that the country has avoided the problems in the health care system that comes along with financial provision for the health care providers. References Almalki, M., FitzGerald, G., Clark, M. (2011). Health care system in Saudi Arabia:an overview/Aperu du systme de sant en Arabie saoudite. Eastern Mediterranean health journal, 17(10), 784. Appari, A., Johnson, M. E. (2010). Information security and privacy in healthcare:current state of research. International journal of Internet and enterprise management, 6(4), 279-314. Cockerham, W. C. (2014). Medical sociology. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. (2017). Health Care System and Health Policy inAustralia. [online] Available at: australian-american-health-policy-fellowship/health-care-system-and-health-policy-in-australia [Accessed 9 Oct. 2017]. Docteur, E., Oxley, H. (2003). Health-care systems: lessons from the reform experience. Duckett, S., Willcox, S. (2015). The Australian health care system (No. Ed. 5).Oxford University Press. Gunter, T. D., Terry, N. P. (2005). The emergence of national electronic health record architectures in the United States and Australia: models, costs, andquestions. Journal of medical Internet research, 7(1). Hall, J. (2015). Australian health careThe challenge of reform in a fragmented system. New England Journal of Medicine, 373(6), 493-497. Hu, S., Tang, S., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., Escobar, M. L., De Ferranti, D. (2008). Reform of how health care is paid for in China: challenges and opportunities. The Lancet, 372(9652), 1846-1853. Hurley, J., Vaithianathan, R., Crossley, T. F., Cobb-Clark, D. A. (2002). Parallel private health insurance in Australia: A cautionary tale and lessons for Canada. Joumard, I., Andr, C., Nicq, C. (2010). Health care systems: efficiency and institutions. Joumard, I., Kongsrud, P. M. (2003). Fiscal relations across government levels. OECD Economic Studies, 2003(1), 155-229. Keleher, H. (2001). Why primary health care offers a more comprehensive approach totackling health inequities than primary care. Australian journal of primaryhealth, 7(2), 57-61. Kolehmainen-Aitken, R. L. (2004). Decentralization's impact on the health workforce: Perspectives of managers, workers and national leaders. Human Resources for Health, 2(1), 5. Leape, L., Berwick, D., Clancy, C., Conway, J., Gluck, P., Guest, J., ... Pinakiewicz,(2009). Transforming healthcare: a safety imperative. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 18(6), 424-428. Legido-Quigley, H. (2008). Assuring the quality of health care in the European Union:a case for action (No. 12). World Health Organization. Mossialos, E., Dixon, A., Figueras, J., Kutzin, J. (Eds.). (2002). Funding health care:options for Europe. Palmer, G. R., Short, S. D. (2000). Health care and public policy: an Australian analysis. Macmillan Education AU. Porter, M. E., Teisberg, E. O. (2006). Redefining health care: creating value-based competition on results. Harvard Business Press. Runciman, W. B., Hunt, T. D., Hannaford, N. A., Hibbert, P. D., Westbrook, J. I., Coiera,W., ... Braithwaite, J. (2012). CareTrack: assessing the appropriateness of health care delivery in Australia. The Medical Journal of Australia, 197(2), 100-105. Smith, P. C., Anell, A., Busse, R., Crivelli, L., Healy, J., Lindahl, A. K., ... Kene, T. (2012). Leadership and governance in seven developed health systems.Health policy, 106(1), 37-49. Tomey, A. M. (2009). Nursing management and leadership. Elsevier, Missouri.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Ralph Waldo Emerson Essays - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Lecturers, Mystics
Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson was a famous American essayist and poet. Through his life he faced many conflicts such as his career. He was one of America's most influential authors and thinkers. Before Emerson began to write he was a minister. Emerson had to deal with many things throughout his life for example his health and family problems. Ralph Emerson had a very frustrating childhood. Emerson was born on May 25, 1803, in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the second of five sons. Poverty and sickness marked Emerson's life. His father died when hi was eight years old. Which left his mother to raise five boys. One of his younger brothers was mentally ill and spent most of his life in institutions. Until Emerson was 30 he suffered from poor health. When Emerson started school he studied ministry. He attended Harvard until he graduated in 1821 at age 18. After graduating he taught school and entered Harvard Divinity School. The next year he was sanctified to preach by the Middlesex Association of Ministers. Despite his poor health he did occasional sermons. In 1829 he served as a ?supply? preacher around the Boston area. In 1828 Emerson met a woman named Ellen Tucker who inspired him. The next year they were married. She fell ill and died of tuberculosis in 1832. That year he resigned from ministry because he had personal doubts about administering the sacrament. In 1833 Emerson traveled to Europe for a year. While in England he met Walter Savage, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Thomas Carlyle, and William Wordsworth. 2 Meeting with Carlyle marked the beginning of a lifelong friendship and influenced his work. During the summer of 1834 he moved to Concord and soon began his career as a writer and lecturer. Later in Emerson's life he became the leader of the transcendentalism movement. Which was the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition. In 1836 Emerson's writing career truly evolved when his first book called ?Nature? was published. During 1840 through 1844 he worked as an editor for The Dial. During those years his first son Waldo died and Emerson wrote one of his finest poems ?Threnody? in memory of his son. Throughout the rest of his life he wrote many famous poems, books, essays, and gave numerous lectures. Then in 1882 Emerson fell ill again and died at age 78. In conclusion Emerson had a tough life and had to deal with many problems. Although he had a rough life he is still a very inspirational author.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Free Essays on Necrophilia
Necrophilia is the practice of having sex with corpses. Necrophilia, a Greek word that means â€Å"love of the dead†. It is a very common act among serial killers. Various well-known serial killers have been diagnosed with necrophilia, such as: Earl Leonard Nelson a/k/a â€Å"Gorilla Man†, which is known as the first American serial sex killer of the twentieth century. Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein and many more among the ones mentioned. Although necrophilia seems to be rare and uncommon in our society, it is a very common disorder within a serial killers profile. Necrophilia may sound like a rare illness due to the fact that it isn’t being reported the way it should be. When necrophilies take action, the most common place they break into is funeral homes. A reason for not reporting these acts would certainly be that funeral homes do not want the publicity. When funeral homes report that there has been a break in and that bodies have been disturbed, no one will want to bring their deceased friends and family members, fearing that their loved one will be taken advantage of. The press/media is an effective way of informing and educating the public about what goes on in our society. Necrophilia is hidden from society because it is not normal behavior. Necrophilia is immoral and unethical. Therefore, society tends to turn away and pretend as if nothing is wrong. Research indicates that 90% of necrophiliacs are primarily heterosexual males. 60% of necrophilies were diagnosed with personality disorders and 10% of those diagnosed with personality disorders are also psychotic. Funeral homes are not the only places where necrophilies are attracted. They are very popular within hospitals, mortuaries, funeral parlors, and cemeteries. Necrophilies are attracted to the odor of blood and the feel for dead skin. Some necrophilies have used parts of the bodies of their victims to furnish their homes and even for the use of sil... Free Essays on Necrophilia Free Essays on Necrophilia Necrophilia is the practice of having sex with corpses. Necrophilia, a Greek word that means â€Å"love of the dead†. It is a very common act among serial killers. Various well-known serial killers have been diagnosed with necrophilia, such as: Earl Leonard Nelson a/k/a â€Å"Gorilla Man†, which is known as the first American serial sex killer of the twentieth century. Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein and many more among the ones mentioned. Although necrophilia seems to be rare and uncommon in our society, it is a very common disorder within a serial killers profile. Necrophilia may sound like a rare illness due to the fact that it isn’t being reported the way it should be. When necrophilies take action, the most common place they break into is funeral homes. A reason for not reporting these acts would certainly be that funeral homes do not want the publicity. When funeral homes report that there has been a break in and that bodies have been disturbed, no one will want to bring their deceased friends and family members, fearing that their loved one will be taken advantage of. The press/media is an effective way of informing and educating the public about what goes on in our society. Necrophilia is hidden from society because it is not normal behavior. Necrophilia is immoral and unethical. Therefore, society tends to turn away and pretend as if nothing is wrong. Research indicates that 90% of necrophiliacs are primarily heterosexual males. 60% of necrophilies were diagnosed with personality disorders and 10% of those diagnosed with personality disorders are also psychotic. Funeral homes are not the only places where necrophilies are attracted. They are very popular within hospitals, mortuaries, funeral parlors, and cemeteries. Necrophilies are attracted to the odor of blood and the feel for dead skin. Some necrophilies have used parts of the bodies of their victims to furnish their homes and even for the use of sil...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Business Model and Strategic Plan Essay Example for Free (#3)
Business Model and Strategic Plan Essay Coffee (372) , Starbucks (158) , Strategic Plan (66) , Business model (48) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Why do businesses need innovation is simple, the world is changing at a rapid speed and no one can predict what is coming in the future. Organizations are facing many new types of vulnerabilities everyday. Innovation helps to determinate the strategic management within an organization and prepares organizations for the unforeseeable change and to make the change. Although very organization have different priorities, or balance the unique issues of their own, ignoring the innovation, or implementing the strategic plan inefficiently can bring risks of losing key employees, inefficiency of the operation, and lose competitive advantages to the competitors. This paper will create a new division for Starbucks Coffee Co. Using this division as an example to explain the importance of the innovation in company’s vision, mission, and values, and how it related to strategic management. Starbucks Corporation, doing business as Starbucks Coffee, is an American global coffee company and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington. Today, with more than 21,000 stores in 65 countries, Starbucks is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world. And with every cup, the company strives to bring both their heritage and an exceptional experience to life. ( Since the first Starbucks opened in 1971, the company has a goal to share great coffee with friends and help make the world a little better place. ( To better server Starbucks Coffee’s customers, and provide quick and easy coffee for the people who have to fight the morning or anytime traffic, Starbucks coffee co. has purposed a new business model of Self Severed Coffee Machine. This new Machine will be located outside of Starbucks stores, shopping centers, and large office buildings to better server the consumers who does not have time to wait in line and get their favorite cup of coffee. In this tough economic climate, Starbucks needs to compete smart, this means to stay a step head on ensuring the best response to customers’ need and demand. It is often to see a line of customers either inside the store or in the drive through. While we appreciate the their patience to wait in line, we also share their frustration. It is our intention to ensure everyone loves his or her coffee. While we are proud that every cup is made to earn our customers’ satisfaction, we are also spending a considerable amount of time on making them. The Self Served Starbucks machine has an ability of produce majority flavors of the coffee, which our customer likes. Simply pay the cash, wipe the credit card, or scan the mobile Starbucks App on your smartphone, the machine will make a fresh brew cup of coffee in just 45 seconds. With this machine outside of store or mall, our customer can save time on waiting in line. Even more convenient, the machines outside of the office building not only can save our customer a trip to the coffee shop in the morning, also be able to enjoy a hot fresh coffee when they sat down by their desk. This new machine can ensure the competitive advantage by its product differentiation, more focused group on customer service, and operational efficiency. Starbucks’ mission is a reason for the company’s existence. With the unique style of combining both, our vision and mission statement is â€Å"to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.†( To align with this mission statement, our new division’s mission statement is to †bring the best quality coffee and convenience to our customers on the go, one machine at the time†This mission statement reflected the company value and beliefs to show our costumers that we care, it will also guide our employees on understand and establish what the company truly does. A good mission statement inspires employees and provides a focus and direction for strategic planning. While mission statements vary from organization to organization and represent the distinctness of each one, they all share similar components. (Mission and Vision Statements, 2010) The new division’s mission statemen ts include descriptions of Starbucks’ target market, the geographic domain, and concern for survival, growth, and profitability. Being the giant leader of the coffee and snacks industry, Starbuck coffee company needs to develop a strong strategic plan through the analysis of SWOTT. SWOTT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and trends. A SWOTT analysis identifies strengths and weaknesses within a company, and outside opportunities and threats. The most important parts of a SWOT analysis specify the actions that correspond to the elements the company identify. By using the results of the analysis to improve the situation of the new division, we can reduce the likelihood of developments that negatively affect the business while improving performance. ( Starbuck is currently in the retail coffee and snacks industry. The self-serve coffee machine will be able to satisfy customers not just a cup of coffee but also tea, water and juice, which Starbuck currently provide in the store. The loyal based reward programs provide customers with convenience, giving presents, and increasing frequency of the machine visit. Although there will not be any customer service involved, but the efficiency of leveraging technology with the capability of mobile App will still attract customers. The machine will provide extra ideas on the screen related to recycling and reducing waste; this is a great way to communicate with people about the social responsibility initiatives of the company. Due to the economic crush in 2008, this industry has experiencing a major downfall in sales. Because of the sensitivities to the macroeconomic factors, most of industry consumers have to give up extra expenses such as over priced drinks, snacks, and food. However, with economy slowly recover, consumers will start feeling the relaxation of the financial situation, it is safe to say, this industry will has a considerable amount of growth in the near future. With Starbuck having the most of market share in the industry, they have a monopolistic competition. By far the biggest threat the company face is the mature stage of the industry. Dunkin donuts, McDonalds, or Pete’s coffee are all the main pressure on Starbucks. Starbucks brand recognition and the convenience of the self-severed machines differentiates itself, the brand and the machine will draw more customers’ attention, gain competitive advantages for the company. The self-served Starbucks coffee machine will be located in some of the most prime and strategic location across the city such as universities, office buildings, and grocery stores. They will primarily targeting mid-income individuals and students. This strategy will gain competence due to the customer convince factor. The Starbuck coffee-pricing factor does pose a weakness to some targeted consumers; however, the self-severed machine will be 5% cheap because there are no labor costs involved. Expansion into a global market is an opportunity for these machines. Starbucks has a great growth potential in further expanding into the emerging and developing markets. The company can leverage their size, experience, financial prowess and efficiencies to make new market share. ( Starbuck has putting significant amount of time and money on training their employees. Their employees are known for highly knowledge and experienced. They are the main assets of the company and they are provided with great benefits like stock option, retirement accounts and a healthy culture. This effective human capital management translates into great customer services. It was rated 91st in the 100 best places to work for by Fortune Magazine. ( The internal threat for Starbucks currently is the change of life style and taste choices of consumers. More and more customers are shifting towards healthy foods and drinks; this treading can hurt the coffee culture of the company, even to industry in the future. The Balanced scorecard is a management system that enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. It also provides an organization with feedback of both the internal business processes and external outcomes, which allows for continuous improvement of strategic performance and results. Develop the strategic objectives for the new division of the Starbuck in the balanced scorecard format in the context of key trends, assumptions, and risks. The strategic objectives are measures of attaining the new vision and mission. Below are the three strategic objectives for each of the four balanced scorecard areas identified (Financial, Customer, Process, Learning and Growth). How to gain the market share is the objective in financial perspective. This is aggressive strategy the new division can use to power our organization and weaken the competitors. The new †Self served coffee machine†can gain market shares by: One: New technology. This market has always been a high growth market, and high growth markets has less competitors, it means they will not fight our efforts as fiercely. Two: Innovation. This new machine is absolutely a breakthrough innovative idea once it is release into the market. Innovation can help the new division obtain large market share. Three: Strategic Alliance. The new machine can advertise other products, which is great choice when drinking coffee. If the alliance company can help with founding, we can lower our coffee price. This is efficient way to lure customers from competitors. How do we create value for our customers are the objective for the customer perspective? Customers are the key factor to an organization success. Creating value for our customers in three ways: One: New Value. This is the most challenging way to impress customers. By setting new machines by the office buildings or school parking lots will be most convenience for people do not have time to stop for coffee in the morning, or anytime during the day. Two: More value. The machine will provide the same product as in a Starbucks coffee store, but cheaper. Three: Better Value. To expend on the existing value, the customer will be able to purchase snake from the machine. The addition product provided will simply delivering more powerful impact to consumers. PROCESS OR INTERNAL OPERATIONS PERSPECTIVE How we measure the new division performance? The new division will have its own survey attached to the machine. Customers are the top choice for us to know what does the new division do to make them come back for more. Also, customers can leave feedbacks and advice via Facebook, Yelp, or preferred social Media. Our new division will make huge impact on the organization, because it will release the busy traffic in the morning for the store location. LEARNING AND GROWTH (EMPLOYEE) PERSPECTIVE There is no employees’ turn over or retention involved with the â€Å"Self served machine†However, the mechanics are needed for the daily maintenance and refill. The new technology will notify the mechanic department if the machine needs any attention or checkups. While having a strategic plan, mission and vision Statement is crucial for the new division, but crafting and developing this plan is only the half of the battle. To have a communication plan is one of the most important factors after the plan and analysis is finalized. Although the new division will not have any human operating the machine, there are still the needs of new policies and procedures to be carried out. The effective of these policies and procedures are most likely effect the success of the plan. For example, machines maintenance schedule, or refill of the machine. Failure to take communication plan into account can cause disastrous. Our new business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines key elements of how we going to operate this new division. The plan typically includes an assessment of the market and the competition, operating budget breakdown, and short and long-term business goals. ( There are three suggest way to monitor and control our new plan: Any new business plans within an organization needs to be reviewed on a regular basis, especially the expectancy of the busy traffic with the new self-served machine. The new division management needs to set a date, this can be quarterly or annually, to review the long-term and short-term goals. Conducting the comparative analysis will help to ensure the strategic plan is on the right path. The management team of new division needs to develop a new tracking system to assess how the sales are doing regularly. For example, if the target sales goal is 5000 cups per month, then track the sales weekly or twice a month to monitor and control the process. Monitor key elements frequently. Key elements of the business plan include research on the market and competition as well as revenue projections. Each of these elements is subject to rapid change, and the management team should remain aware of where you stand with regard to these issues. ( COORDINATE BUSINESS AND MARKING PLANS Our new division will have both business and marketing plans. Sometimes, they overlap in several ways. For example, if the Marketing plans calls for a major launching campaign with the media, but the business plan’s revenue prediction rejects that plan, then the managers needs to revise the plan to stay on track. Ethical behaviors and organization social responsibility is one of the key factors to bring large benefits for the business. With the new self-served coffee machine, it attracts customers with Starbucks signature products, thereby to boosting sales and revenue. It will create more jobs, therefor, help with unemployment. It will also attract more investors and keep the company’s share price high, therefor, protecting the business and employees’ benefits. The fact is brutally simple: the accelerated change within the business world is unavoidable. Evidence shows in current business world, customers are changing their needs and interest each day, markets are relentlessly unstable, and competitors are more aggressively capture any chance possible at new ideas. With technology advances faster and faster, and modifying the traditional strategic management that it touches, Innovation has become what shapes the current strategic management trends, and the right strategic management is the key to business success. Mission and Vision Statements. r Business Plan. We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Hospitality Industry and Environment Forces Essay
Hospitality Industry and Environment Forces - Essay Example In addition, diplomatic relations among governments have diverse effects on the hospitality industry. A government may choose, when it ascertains it is appropriate, to advise its citizens against visiting certain countries depending on how the prevailing diplomatic relations between the two nations. Economic factors influence the hospitality industry. A booming economy leaves a people with spare cash to spend on holidays. A weak economy presents, however, little cash flow to governments and relevant agencies that may lack the resources to invest in the hospitality industry. In addition, technology influences the hospitality industry. Tourists can enjoy their tours in many ways due to the advances in technology. Tourists can now film their adventurous trips and share their experiences with friends and family through social sites. Hotels can also provide booking services to their travelling clients online through their websites (Mok, Beverley and Jay 139). Surveillance and security provided in the hospitality industry have improved because of technology. There are fewer incidences of terrorist attacks targeting the hospitality industry because of technology applied in gathering and sharing intelligence by relevant agencies. Socio-cultural factors influence the hospitality industry. The manner in which local people interact with tourists determines their satisfaction levels. In addition, hospitable societies receive the highest number of tourists. Societies with unique cultural practices also attract many
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Research Assignment Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assignment - Research Paper Example The US import of oats is almost 80% of the total world imports. World production is on constant decline from 55.9 million tonnes in 1960-61 to about 23.0 million tonnes in 2010-2011. Russia is the largest producer of oats in the world but does not export any as most of the oats is consumed domestically. (OATS: SITUATION AND OUTLOOK 2010) Trade of various good including agricultural commodities between Canada and US is governed by the free trade agreement signed by them in the year 1988. Objective of this treaty was to eliminate barriers to trade in services and goods. The agreement facilitates and provides for a fair competition within the free trade area. Oats get benefit of this treaty and Canada being a surplus producer of oats became a largest exporter to US for last several years. The article 408 of this agreement states that there will not be any extra tax, duty or any charge on the export of any good. Moreover, article 603of this agreement also establishes that there will be no disguised barriers to trade. (Canada - United States Free Trade Agreement, 1988) In European Union, the Scandinavian countries such as Finland and Sweden are the principal oat producers and exporters too. These two exporters cater to the needs of other EU importing countries. Germany and Spain are the major importers of oat and trades among them are governed as per EU regulations (Europa 2011). Finland and Sweden joined the EU during 1995 and since then they were provided with oat export subsidies until 2006. Major objective for providing subsidy was to prevent those acres getting converted to other crop such as barley. Between 1995 and 2006, EU export to US averaged at 0.4 MT of oats per year; however with the withdrawal of the EU subsidy export to the US plummeted to just 0.04MT. Trade among the EU member countries does not attract any levy, or duties. That is the reason most of the oats produced in Finland and Sweden gets consumed in European Union only. Raw
Friday, January 24, 2020
Should We Pay Farmers Not to Grow Crops? Essay -- Argumentative Agricu
Should We Pay Farmers Not to Grow Crops? The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) was established under the Conservation Title of the 1985 Food Security Act and is still in place today. This program which intended to assist with possible environmental problems is one that is beneficial to the farmers and our country's environment and therefore should stay in effect. However, it should be examined how this program is being conducted to ensure that the original objectives are being met today and with maximum efficiency. When the CRP was established in 1985 as a voluntary acreage retirement program, there were seven stated objectives that were introduced as well. 'The stated objectives of the CRP are to (a) reduce water and wind erosion, (b) protect our long-term capability to produce food and fiber, (c) reduce sedimentation, (d) improve water quality, (e) create better habitat for fish and wildlife through improved food and cover, (f) curb production of surplus commodities, and (g) provide needed income support for farmers' (Boggess and Reichelderfer 111). The program also was subject to the constraints of having a minimum of 5 million acres enrolled by 1986 and at least 10 million acres by 1989. It was also specified that no more than 25% of any one specific county's cropland can be enrolled in the program at the same time. (Boggess and Reichelderfer 111). In order to be qualified for the program owners and operators who currently farm 'highly erodible' land may apply for program funding. According to Dana Hoag and Herb Holloway, highly erodible land is defined as 'having an erodibility index greater than or equal to 8' (185). The main benefits of this program include the extra income for the farmers and the positive env... ... and Katherine Reichelderfer. ?Government Decision Making and Program Performance: The Case of the Conservation Reserve Program.? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. February 1988. 111-121. Buchholtz, Shawn, and Michael J. Roberts. ?Slippage in the Conservation Reserve Program or Spurious Correlation? A Comment.? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. February 2005. 244-250. Hoag, Dana L., and Herb A. Holloway. ?Farm Production Decisions Under Cross and Conservation Compliance.? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. February 1991. 184-193. Smith, Rodney B.W. ?The Conservation Reserve Program as a Least-Cost Land Retirement Mechanism.? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. April 2005. 52-67. Wu, Jun Jie. ?Slippage Effects of the Conservation Reserve Program.? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. November 2000. 979-992.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Generic Strategy – Porter
THEME 8: GENERIC STRATEGIES 1. Introduction. 2. The Porter's approach: competitive strategies (cost advantage, differentiation advantage and specialization). 3. The Ansoff's approach: the Growth Matrix (market penetration, product development, market development, and diversification). 4. An integrating approach.  © Alfonso VARGAS SANCHEZ 1 Hope is not a strategy, specially when internationalizing the company is the intention 2 Strategic Analysis: Compulsory Questions What business is the organisation in? manufacturing/retail, etc. Who do they compete with, and how do they compete? Who are the organisation’s stakeholders?Key stakeholders & their influence. What are the external drivers for change? – PEST model, macro environment. – Five Forces model, micro/industry environment. How does the organisation gain value? – Resource audit, tangible & intangible. – Value Chain and Value System analysis. Assess the balance in the corporate portfolio, BCG ma trix. How should I compete? Porter’s generic strategies: low cost, differentiation, specialization. What are my strategic movements? Mergers/Acquisitions, etc. 3 Mission – Vision – Values PEST analysis Competitive Forces P. C. Industry Attractiveness S C. C. S. P. B (threats & opportunities)Value Chain: activities & linkages F. I. T. D. HH. RR. PR. Value System (linkages): other SBUs (synergies) & suppliers buyers’ value chains Strategy formulation, at three levels: C–B–F Company’s Competitive Position (Resourcebased View): cost advantage or uniqueness (strengths & weaknesses) I. L. OP. O. L. M&S A-S. S. STRATEGY ELEMENTS LEVELS BUSINESS SCOPE RESOURCES & CAPABILITIES COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES SYNERGIES CORPORATE (1) (1) (1) BUSINESS (2) (2) (2) FUNCTION (3) (3) 5 STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE PORTER’S APPROACH Exclusivity perceived by the customer Position of low costs COMPETITIVE SITUATIONBroad (the whole DIFFERENTIATION sector) Reduced ( only one segment) COSTS LEADERSHIP FOCUS or NARROW SEGMENTATION 6 THE LOW COST PHENOMENON Two basic ways: -Productivity. -Economies of scale & learning/experience. 7 8 9 COSTS LEADERSHIP RESOURCES AND APTITUDES -Sustained investment of capital and favourable access to financial markets. ORGANISATIONAL REQUIREMENTS -Strict control of costs. -Detailed and frequent control reports. RISKS OR LIMITATIONS -Technological change that cancels out the experience gained or investment made. -Competitors who learn easily and rapidly. -Stagnation of the product or of the marketing. Inflation of costs that annuls the previous price differential. -Clearly defined organisation -Special aptitudes for and responsibilities. process engineering. -Incentives based on meeting -Close supervision of quantitative objectives. work and operations. -Products designed for ease of manufacturing. -Low cost of distribution. 10 Reading: â€Å"Designers on quest to build $12 computer†11 DIFFERENTIATION RESOUR CES AND APTITUDES ORGANISATIONAL REQUIREMENTS RISKS OR LIMITATIONS -Significant aptitudes -Coordination between the functions of R&D, product in marketing and in product engineering. development and marketing. Strong investment -Qualitative assessments in R&D. and incentives. -Prestige in quality -Capacity for and technology. understanding the market -Full cooperation of and how it changes. the distribution -Appropriate channels. organisational structure for -Long tradition in the stimulating and rewarding sector, or a unique creativity. combination of aptitudes obtained in other business activities. -Competitive levels of product prices, in accordance with a strategy of minimum global cost. -The customers no longer value the product's factors of differentiation. -As the industry matures, imitation reduces the perceived ifferentiation. 12 Mention some brands for which you are willing to pay a premium price 13 SPECIALISATION RESOURCES AND APTITUDES -Resources and aptitudes of special application and interest in the company's area of operation. -Dominance of the relevant technology and of the engineering of the product. -Marketing capacity. -Ability in the use of limited resources. -Other competitors are specialized in part of the market of the already specialized company. ORGANISATIONAL REQUIREMENTS -Flexible and efficient organisation structure. -Corporate culture relevant and specific to its areas of specialisation (products and markets).RISKS OR LIMITATIONS -The differences in costs compared with nonspecialized companies are so wide that the advantages of specialisation are eliminated. -Close coordination between -The market in which the functions. company is specialized reduces its differences -Rapid response to changes with respect to the global market. in the environment. 14 15 16 A niche strategy within a declining industry Reading: â€Å"Cassettes linger long after expected demise†17 Segmentation variables Varieties of products. Types of purchas er. Distribution channels. Geographic areas. Example: olive oil market. 18Segmentation matrix (1) TYPE OF PURCHASER VARIETIES OF PRODUCTS (QUALITY) Olive Oil Virgin Olive Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil Final customer (bottled product) Restaurants, etc. (bulk product) 19 Segmentation matrix (2) TYPE OF DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL VARIETIES OF PRODUCTS (QUALITY) Olive Oil Virgin Olive Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil Generic Specific 20 Combining segmentation matrixes (1+2) TYPE OF DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL VARIETIES OF PRODUCTS (QUALITY) Virgin Olive Oil for final customers (bottled product) Extra Virgin Olive Oil for final customers (bottled prod. ) Generic Specific 21 Segmentation matrix (3)GEOGRAPHIC AREA VARIETIES OF PRODUCTS (QUALITY) Virgin Olive Oil for final customers using a generic distribution channel Extra Virgin Olive Oil for final customers using a specific distribution channel National Market (a) International Market (c) (b) (d) 22 The choice of a segment/s ATTRACTIVENESS: within the same i ndustry there are segments with different levels of attractiveness. INTERRELATIONSHIPS: choose the most beneficial combination of segments. SUSTAINABILITY: your business scope should lead to a strong (defensible) position. (1) Structural attractiveness (competitive forces). (2) Size and growth. 3) Position of the company. (4) Advantages in costs or in differentiation. (5) Costs of coordination, of commitment and of inflexibility. Against: (6) Competitors with broader objectives. (7) Imitation. (8) Substitution. 23 Example: olive oil market SEGMENTS / CRITERIA ATTRACTIVENESS INTERRELATIONS SUSTAINABILITY (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (a) (b) (c) (d) 24 Criticisms of Porter’s framework Hybrid strategies could be employed without â€Å"stuck in the middle†. Cost leadership alone does not sell products. Differentiation strategies can be used to increase sales volumes rather than to charge a premium price.Price can sometimes be used to differentiate. A â€Å"generic†strategy can not give a competitive advantage. Arguably, the resource based strategy has superseded this generic strategy framework. 25 â€Å"A company must produce at low cost, while also innovating; it must deploy the massed resources of a large corporation, while showing the entrepreneurial flair of a small start-up; it must achieve high levels of reliability and consistency, while also being flexible†(Grant, 2012). 26 OPTIONS FOR GROWTH ANSOFF’S APPROACH CURRENT PRODUCTS NEW PRODUCTS ANSOFF’S APPROACH CURRENT PRODUCTS NEW PRODUCTS CASE STUDY:CURRENT MARKETS Market Penetration Product Development CURRENT MARKETS Expansion†¦ †¦of Products NEW MARKETS Market Development Diversification NEW MARKETS †¦of Markets Diversification 27 The Growth Matrix Sub-strategies Existing Market Penetration: -Intensification. -Relaunching. -Imitation. -Reduction of costs/prices. -Disaggregation. Product Development: -New products (R&D, innovation). -New product lines. -New services. MARKETS New Market Development: -New territoriesINTERNATIONALIZATION. -New segments of purchasers. -New distribution channels. -New possibilities for utilization. Diversification: -Concentric (or related). By conglomerates (or unrelated). Existing PRODUCTS New 28 INTERNATIONALIZATION & GLOBALIZATION 29 INTERNATIONALIZATION & GLOBALIZATION Reading: â€Å"China’s budding food industry faces scrutiny†30 International Strategy Opportunities and Outcomes Identify International Opportunities Explore Resources and Capabilities Use Core Competence Strategic Competitiveness Management Outcomes Problems and Risks International Strategies Increased Market Size Return on Investment Economies of Scale and Learning Location Advantage International Business-Level Strategy (*) Multidomestic Strategy Global Strategy Transnational StrategyModes of Entry Exporting Licensing Strategic Alliances Acquisition Establishment of New Subsidiary Higher Performance Returns Innovation (*) Low cost or Differentiation. Standardization vs Adaptation. Multidomestic vs Global. Management Problems and Risks Strength of Market Drivers Aircraft Computers Automobiles Soft Drinks Toothpaste Retail Banking Book Publishing Baked Goods Low Multidomestic High Global Strength of Cost Drivers Pharmaceuticals Aircraft Computers Automobiles Toothpaste Retail Banking Baked Goods Soft Drinks Low Multidomestic High Global Corporate-Level International StrategiesMulti-Domestic Strategy Strategy and operating decisions are decentralized to strategic business units (SBU) in each country. Products and services are tailored to local markets. Business units in each country are independent of each other. It assumes markets differ by country or regions. Focus on competition in each market. Prominent strategy among European firms due to broad variety of cultures and markets in Europe. Corporate-Level International Strategies Global Strategy Products are standardized across national markets. Decisions regarding business-level strategies are centralized in the home office.Strategic business units (SBU) are assumed to be interdependent. Emphasizes economies of scale. Often lacks responsiveness to local markets. Requires resource sharing and coordination across borders (which also makes it difficult to manage). Corporate-Level International Strategies Transnational Strategy Seeks to achieve both global efficiency and local responsiveness. Difficult to achieve because of simultaneous requirements for strong central control and coordination to achieve efficiency and local flexibility and decentralization to achieve local market responsiveness. Must pursue organizational learning to achieve competitive advantage.International Corporate Strategy When is each strategy appropriate? High Global Strategy Need for Global Integration Transnational MultiDomestic Low Low High Need for Local Market Responsiveness Effective Standardization Coca-Cola McDonalds Barbie: The †Å"All-American†Girl Goes Overseas Barbie is more than 40 years old. Sold in 130 countries. National adaptations: – Physical features. – Costumes. – Activity sets. Standardized physique: – Scaled to 6’2†, 110 lbs. – 38-18-28. Effective Adaptation McMutton Pie in Australia. Wendy’s shrimp sandwich in Japan. Campbell’s noncondensed soups in the UK. Coca-Cola’s 175 ml containers in Japan.Cadillac Seville 1997 Asian edition: Right-hand drive, shorter seats, closer pedals, 10†shorter & retractable mirrors. Limits to International Expansion (beyond political and economic risks) Management Problems Cost of coordination across diverse geographical business units. Institutional and cultural barriers. Understanding strategic intent of competitors. The overall complexity of competition. DIVERSIFICATION Why? Growth, Profitability and Risk Reduction: Don‘t put all your eggs in one basket !! 42 DIVERSIFICATION Three essential tests for judging diversification (Porter): -The attractiveness test: Is the target industry attractive?Use the 5forces model to assess its attractiveness. -The cost-of-entry test: Is the cost of the diversification worth it? Will the diversified firm create enough additional value to justify the cost? -The better-off test: Does the diversification move produce opportunities for synergies? Will the company be better off after the diversification than it was before? How and why? Potential advantages: 1. Economies of scope (cost savings from using a resource in multiple activities carried out in combination). 2. Internal market (for capital and staff). Reading: â€Å"Perils of diversification†. The era of diversification, 50s-80s. – Refocusing, 90s-onwards. 43 DIVERSIFICATION Because of its high risk, many companies attempting to diversify have led to failure. However, there are some good examples of successful diversification: -Virgin Group moved from m usic production to travel and mobile phones. -Walt Disney moved from producing animated movies to theme parks and vacation properties. -Canon diversified from a camera-making company into producing an entirely new range of office equipment. 44 DIVERSIFICATION Reading: â€Å"Toyota tunes up violinplaying robot†45 Diversification & PerformanceThe findings of empirical research: How do diversified firms perform relative to specialised firms? -No consistent, systematic relationship has been emerged. -High levels of diversification are associated with deteriorating profitability. -Timing is key. Does related diversification outperform unrelated diversification? -Diversification into related industries should be more profitable than diversification into unrelated industries. -Peters and Waterman’s golden rule: â€Å"Stick to the Knitting†. Empirical studies have defined relatedness in terms of similarities: Operational relatedness.Strategic relatedness. 46 Related Di versification Businesses are distinct but their value chains possess strategic â€Å"fit†in operations, marketing, management, R&D. distribution, labor, etc. Therefore, they tend to exploit economies of scope. Tend to (historically) outperform unrelated diversifications. 47 Unrelated Diversification No common linkage or element of strategic fit among SBUs  i. e. , no meaningful value chain interrelationships. Dominant logic: spreads businesses risk over multiple industries, stabilizing corporate profitability (in theory).Strategic approach: any company that can be acquired on good financial terms & offers good prospects for profitability is a good business for diversification. Conglomerates (clusters of businesses under central, mainly financial, management control), such as GE. 48 Example: GE â€Å"Diversification helps to strengthen General Electric; when one business is going badly, the other goes well, which contributes to the stability and growth of the company †. These words of Ricardo Artigas, Vice President of the General Electric Company, clearly reflect the sense behind this trategic option, the result of which is a company configured into twelve divisions: 1. Aircraft Engines; 2. Appliances (domestic electrical appliances); 3. Capital Services (financing services for customers); 4. Lighting; 5. Medical Systems; 6. NBC (television channel); 7. Plastics; 8. Power Systems (electrical energy generation); 9. Electrical Distribution and Control (power cables, transformers, etc. ); 10. Information Services; 11. Motors & Industrial Systems; 12. Transportation Systems. 49 AN INTEGRATING APPROACH Leadership in costs Differentiation Maintenance Growth Restructuring Internal External ExpansionDiversification of Products of Markets Concentric Conglomerate Vertical Integration Horizontal Integration 50 AN INTEGRATING APPROACH GROWTH STRATEGIES Expansion Internal Diversification Expansion External Diversification of Products of Markets Concen tric Conglomerate of Products of Markets Concentric Conglomerate Strategic Advantage Costs Differentiation Readings from the textbook: Pascual & Lagasa -internal growth based on diversification-; Fontaneda & La Casera -external 51 growth based on the expansion of products and markets-. â€Å"Progress is when things get simpler, not more complicated†Bruno Munari, Italian artist. 52
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